Is Virtual Reality Dating The Next Hot Thing?


I’ve heard a heck of a lot of things lately when it comes to meeting someone online to hook up with. I mean, literally almost everything that I thought was possible. However, I’ve come to learn that this isn’t the case, there’s something that the world is trying to bring to head and it’s virtual reality dating…but will it work and will it stick is the question!

virtual reality dating

Is Virtual Reality Dating The Next Trend?

I get that you’re busy. I know that you have a lot of things to work on day in and day out. It makes it difficult sometimes to meet up with someone. But is virtual dating the answer? According to an article published in Inverse, the founder of vTime stated that “A VR date would be cool because you wouldn’t have to go…” But wait a minute, it gets even crazier! According to eHarmony, VR (virtual reality) dating is going to become a normal thing by 2040.

I think that these people that think this are absolutely nuts! I don’t know about you, but I like to actually fuck girls, not just sit in front of a machine and comment on their hot pics. I do spend a significant amount of time on Uberhorny checking out all the girls in my local area, but I only do that in an attempt to find someone to actually have sex with me in the next few days. I personally think that virtual reality dates are not going to make it and I believe that it’s personally important to physically connect with others as a part of living a fulfilled life!

Would you prefer to have sex with a girl or jerk off during a virtual date?

If you answer yes to having sex with someone then you’re okay in my book and I promise you’re going to be banging more people than you can possibly imagine for years to come. Now, I’m only going to recommend that you try casual sex dating if you want to connect with others that are relaxed and fun. If you’re looking for a VR date, you’re in the wrong place! LOL

Casual Dating and Hooking up on the Rise


It’s no secret that people today are turning to casual dating websites in order to meet people. It’s pretty much the driving for of casual dating and hooking up with someone locally. The naysayer folk think that online dating users are a dying breed. While some think it’s the only way to find someone to be intimiate with. The truth is, casual dating is absolutely here to stay and it’s on the rise more than ever now!

casual dating on the rise

Why you ask? Well, there seem to be a few reasons why casual sex and more relaxed dating seem to be increasing popular today and it’s possible that it has something to do with living a non-monogamous lifestyle. According to an article published in, a Psychology Today story published something that stated, younger people were more likely to have casual sex and are less romantic.

My thoughts on the whole thing is that people simply want to be intimate with more people through out there lifetime and they want to get laid by more people. Simple as that really! No longer are the days of having sex with one girl in high school or college, then marrying her and having a miserable life dreaming that you hooked up with all those people when you had the chance and were free as a bird to do so! No more are parents getting involved and making decisions on who you should and shouldn’t be dating. That’s all in the past and we’re living in a great sexy, horny world that wants to have one giant orgasm!

Sex without commitment is not a trend. It’s here to stay and I’m here to make that happen as are all the other others using Uberhorny to get laid. Life is too short to not want to hook up on the first date. Just fucking do it!

Do You Need A Dating Coach?


I recently read an article that was posted in the New York Post and it was about a guy that acts as a professional dating coach similar to the guy Will Smith plays in the comedy movie, “Hitch.” While I’m here to share my personal opinion only on hiring dating a dating coach, the question is whether or not it’s actually necessary to do so? I’ve got a few things to say about this.

dating coach

Photo Credit: Will Smith from Hitch

Do You Really Need A Dating Coach or Mentor?

First off, I want to start by saying I commend anyone who’s willing to help someone succeed. I hire people all the time to help me with things.

You know, people to handle my dry cleaning, fix my computer or do my taxes. I always hire for that type of stuff. But what about hiring someone to help me perfect my dating skills?

This guy Chris Manak is one of the many dating coaches out there that pride themselves on teaching people how out to date or be better partners.

I’m here to tell you that while I completely commend Chris and others that guide people in this area, I think it’s absolutely crazy that they charge thousands of dollars to do so!

Why Do I Feel This Way?

That question couldn’t be any easier to answer. Yes, I’m a firm believer in spending money to get laid. Just not in giving it to a dating coach.

Truth be told, I’m giving you all the information and insight you need in order to successfully meet and fuck uber horny women.

The only thing you should be spending money on is your dating site membership and maybe some drinks at the bar. Other than that, I’ve given you everything that you need to succeed.


So, instead of spending thousands per month getting advice from some guy that’s trying to teach you the ABC’s of dating, take advice from a guy that get’s laid almost daily and all for free.

In the end, you’ll be thanking me up and down for giving you this advice. Now get out there and find some local horny girls to bang this week!

See Also: Local Horny Girls Will Do These Things

Sexy Pro Tennis Caroline Wozniacki Dating Another Athelete?


Sometimes I turn the TV on and I see two guys playing tennis. I immediately shut that off. Then sometimes I see smoking hot Caroline Wozniacki playing tennis and I instantly want to bang her! I’m no athlete, so she likely doesn’t want to bang me. However, apparently there’s a new athlete that she’s got on her radar and she may even be hooking up with them already!

caroline wozniacki dating

This is Caroline Wozniacki and David Lee.
Photo Credit: Getty Images

Caroline Wozniacki Dating Ex-Knicks Player

According to my sources down in sunny Miami Beach, the blonde tennis babe was a guest of the Versace Mansion and she showed up with a former basketball player! Apparently she’s possibly having sex with former Knicks forward and current Boston Celtics player David Lee. This all comes after her fling with JJ Watt, which didn’t seem to work out in the long run but I was still extra happy that my man JJ tapped that ass! I don’t know how he did it, but he must have loved it because I know I love hooking up with in shape girls.

Now I know it’s not all that common for me to write about celebs here but I couldn’t resist this time and I’m going to tell you why. For starters, I’ve got a thing for Caroline Wozniacki and I think she’s incredible. Second, I’ve spent time in both New York City as well as Boston (even though I live in Miami) and I’ve hooked up with people in all three locations many times using so I was a bit curious of whether or not Caroline met David on the site. Chances are, she probably didn’t, but I know there are girls on the website that look similar to the tennis babe. I’m going to make it my mission to find them and have sex with at least one before the week is over! Would you, if given the opportunity, hook up with a girl that is as stunning as this hot professional tennis player? Of course you would! So would I and I’m going to do it without a doubt!

Does Your Casual Date Partner Want You?


Ever been on a casual date with someone local and you haven’t been able to determine if they want you or not? Some have had this issue. Thankfully, I haven’t had to deal with this ever, but I’ve helped friends make better decisions and what not so hopefully these pointers will help you cut down on wasting time and determine if your partner really wants to hook up or if they are just playing you.

casual date

5 Way To Tell If Your Casual Date Wants The D!

They Show Up

I know, I know. It sounds like rocket science and I probably sound like an asshole when I say this, but it’s true. Sometimes showing up is half the battle and so long as they do this then you’re in luck!

Do They Say It

If your date says they want to fuck. Well, then they want to probably do it! I’d say if someone expresses this to you then you’re likely going to get laid in the very near future.

They Go Solo

Some people show up to casual sex dates in a social gathering type of way with a group of people. If your date shows up solo, there’s a better chance for you of actually hooking up with them.

They Do Shots and Start Partying

If your casual date begins heading down the partying road, it’s a great sign for you and I’m happy to say that they probably want to get a buzz on to loosen up and have sex with you. It sounds stereotypical of me to say that but people that party like to bang. Simple as that.

They Meet Over The Weekend

Weekends are saved for those you care about or those you care to have sex with. If you’re in a position to go on a date with someone over the weekend and they’ve made time for you then you’re in luck because they might wanna f**k! LOL

Those are my simple signs to look out for in order to better determine if your casual date wants to sleep with you. Don’t be nervous, just get out there and find some uber horny women that “want some” and you’ll likely have your dick wet within 24 hours max!

Proof: Younger Girls Love Dating Older Guys


Some people I personally know and even hang out with on a regular basis are under the impression that younger girls do not like dating men that are much older than them. I don’t necessarily believe any of this nonsense and I’m going to share with you, my exact reason!

younger girls like selena gomez

Selena Gomez in a Bikini

Even Selena Gomez Likes Older Men

It’s true, some young college girls probably can’t stand older guys and they think the worst of them. I can’t argue with that really. I remember when I was in college, some of the girls used to constantly make fun of older guys that tried to hook up with the typical college girl, as did the guys. I’m assuming the guys poked fun because they were jealous that the older guys actually had the balls to hit on the girls.

Anyway, without getting further off topic, I’m here to tell you that not all young women hate older guys. In fact, according to, Selena Gomez is one of the pretty smoking hot young college-aged girls that likes dating older men and if that doesn’t provide enough proof then I don’t know what to say. Selena stated, “I would love to date older guys…” but she feels like her 16-year-old looks are what make it a bit weird for her and somewhat more difficult for her to succeed in the dating game.

She’s currently single and has been wth Justin Bieber and a couple of other guys but she’s certainly not single without offers to hook up. I can’t imagine how many guys want to have sex with Selena Gomez. Honestly, It’s likely more than a million guys on the planet. If she keeps her young looks, that number is only going to continue to grow exponentially. If this isn’t proof that younger girls like dating older guys then I don’t know what is really! In honor of Selena Gomez, I think I’ll try and find a nice cute local college girl to bang before the weekend is over. There’s gotta be some horny girls running around town today watching football on this fine Sunday afternoon!

Best Holiday Dating Steps That Lead To Sex


It’s Thanksgiving today and I spent a ton of time eating like a pig and watching football with my family. It was a pretty unproductive day today but I did take the time to try and put together this post to share my exact steps that I use in order to get laid during the holiday season. Holiday dating is one of the best things I look forward to during this time of the year. Now, these steps work best during the winter holiday season but for the most part they work between Thanksgiving and New Years Day. Here’s what I do to get laid.

holiday dating

Login To A Site

Step one is to log into a dating site. I generally prefer to use one that I know I can get laid on. Something like Uberhorny or a couple other “go to” sites. Once I’m logged on, I typically start browsing for someone that is within 5 miles.


After I connect with a few users, I immediately begin to chat with them! I do so in a smooth operator type way though. I never go in for the home run right off the bat. In fact, I suggest using an approach that gives the impression of being almost just slightly interested in someone and steering far clear from being overly desperate. Just chat and get to a point where you get an accepted offer for a date.

Fireplace and Booze

fireplace and booze

You next step is to hit the liquor store and pick up a few bottles of booze or wine. Make sure you don’t go too crazy and go looking like a full blown drunk! But what you do want to do is look like you’re well prepared. After you hit the store for some booze, I’d then suggest going to the either find a place that has a fire place or if you have one, preparing to sit in front of it for some fun. Women love fire places because they are romantic. Even the local girl that just wants to fuck, wants to do it in front of the fireplace. Plus, I often use the fire place to make a girl horny because I know it works like a charm!

Be Prepared

Lastly, you need to be overly prepared for anything and I mean anything. Make sure you have condoms, lube and any other fun toys that you want to play with during your holiday hook up date. Another thing that you need to be ready for is a change of plans in the event that your date decides to throw an audible out there and mess with the planned events. You must be ready to not get upset and just let nature take its course.

Perfect Timing

Lastly, you’ve got to take timing into consideration. That means that you can’t wait until the very last minute if you want to get laid during the holiday season. Everyone is super busy and they need to plan, even for one night stands, you’ve got to take that into consideration. You’re best bet is to find someone to hook up with during a holiday weekend by starting on Monday.

The Best PUA Openers


I’ve talked about my favorite dating site more than I’ve talked about picking up women. So, today I’m going to share a few PUA openers that tend to work really well for me. If you’re not sure what “PUA” stands for, keep reading and find out!

pua openers

PUA Openers That Work

What’s a PUA Opener?

First off, PUA stands for “Pick up Artist” and an opener is a term used to describe the start of a conversation. One thing you need to know about these pickup lines is that they are heavily deemed make or break approaches. An opener can literally kill your chances if used improperly. That said, I’m going to share my top PUA openers that have gotten me laid.

Fashion Compliment Opener

Telling a girl that she looks great and that you like her style is a great opener. In order to make this work, you must stress the emphasis of being creative. Girls love it when you compliment on their clothes since they put so much effort into being noticed.

Lost Opener

Walking up to a girl and telling her you’re lost can work like a charm or it can make you look like an idiot if done wrong. I’d suggest you make sure you don’t move forward with a “captain obvious” approach or you’re going to get shot down. In short, don’t make yourself look like too much of a dummy because it’ll get ya!

Look Like Opener

You need a wingman for this one, but it works pretty well. Come up with someone quirky or goofy that your friend might look like and ask a girl you don’t know. Make sure you stay away from being too offensive as she’ll think you’re an asshole and that’s not going to get you laid. Keep it fun and try it out.

Now, I know this is a really short list, but it’s Friday morning and I’m on a mission to get laid this weekend. I’m on a hot streak using Uberhorny and I do not want to go cold so I’m putting in the work on the dating site to line up a sex date for the night. If I wasn’t trying to get my dick wet this weekend I’d write more. You’ll have to wait until tomorrow for more!

Popular Names on Dating Apps


Is it possible that your name may be directly impacting your level of success when it comes to using a mobile dating app today? Well, supposedly, it’s very possible that your first name might be the cause of why you’re receiving so many right swipes or maybe not!

Dating Apps…Does Your Name Matter?

Here’s a screenshot of the list of names ranked…

dating apps

For years, people have spent time analyzing profile traits to determine what has the most impact on finding someone to hook up with, myself included, and it turns out it very well may not be what you think at all. According to a recent study conducted by The Grade app, owned and created by Snap Interactive, 100,000 users of the app were analyzed to determine what they thought were the hottest names.

The results may surprise you a bit. Out of the 100,000 individuals that swiped right, 24 percent of the women swiped right on guys named Brett, while 70 percent of the men swiped right on women named Brianna!

Second and third places were taken by Tyler and Erika as well as Corey and Lexi. Now, I’m not saying that if your name isn’t one of those mentioned that you’re not ever getting laid. But I will say that you’ve got a lot better shot at getting lucky if you do have one of the names listed as your first name.


Now, don’t panic if your name didn’t make the list. My name isn’t on the list either and I get laid a ton! So, like I said, it’s not worth it for you to panic at all because even if you’ve got the worst name in the world, there’s a good chance that you’ll still be able to meet a local horny woman using my favorite hook up site. If you’re not getting laid, then you’re not using this website. It’s really as simple as that. Oh, and if you don’t get lucky, send me an e-mail and I’ll personally help you out. That’s how confident I am when it comes to getting some because I get mine! I always bring the ruckas to the ladies!

brings the ruckas to the ladies

Credit: Leon (Curb Your Enthusiam)

Read more recent entries including this one about “getting over someone.


How To Get Over Someone



If you’re freshly single and you’re still not over your last significant other then fear not because I’ve got some great tips to help you get over them, move on and start hooking up again.

how to get over someone

Find A New Booty Call
The first suggestion that I always give people when they’ve recently broken up with someone is to jump right back into the water. Notice I didn’t say pool? That’s right. I’m suggesting that you not attempt to find a significant other, but instead attempt to find an uberhorny local or someone that’s looking for a one night stand. That’s the first thing you need to do to get your mind off of them. Sign up here if you’re not a member of any casual dating site and get things started right away.

Disconnect From Them
You need to remove yourself from your ex or at least attempt to get rid of most things associated with them that exist in your life. That means, stop hanging at bars and clubs your ex frequently visits. Also, delete the pics and their cell phone number as well. Hanging on to that will do you no good whatsoever. If they want you back they’ll find you.

Focus on You
Stop focusing on things for other people and start focusing on you. That means hitting the gym, starting a diet, going to events you want to and doing things you’ve been wanting to do. You’re finally able to do literally anything you want with no strings attached. Freedom has been given and it’s up to you to take full advantage of it!

If you’re cooped up in your house alone every night, you better at least be chatting with someone on your hookup site. If not, you get your butt out there in the real world ans start socializing!

Do these four simple things and I guarantee you’ll eventually find the solution of how to get over someone and before you know it, you’ve gotten laid and you’re over them!


Now go get laid tonight or at least this weekend. It’s Friday and it’s time to party!