How To Get Over Someone



If you’re freshly single and you’re still not over your last significant other then fear not because I’ve got some great tips to help you get over them, move on and start hooking up again.

how to get over someone

Find A New Booty Call
The first suggestion that I always give people when they’ve recently broken up with someone is to jump right back into the water. Notice I didn’t say pool? That’s right. I’m suggesting that you not attempt to find a significant other, but instead attempt to find an uberhorny local or someone that’s looking for a one night stand. That’s the first thing you need to do to get your mind off of them. Sign up here if you’re not a member of any casual dating site and get things started right away.

Disconnect From Them
You need to remove yourself from your ex or at least attempt to get rid of most things associated with them that exist in your life. That means, stop hanging at bars and clubs your ex frequently visits. Also, delete the pics and their cell phone number as well. Hanging on to that will do you no good whatsoever. If they want you back they’ll find you.

Focus on You
Stop focusing on things for other people and start focusing on you. That means hitting the gym, starting a diet, going to events you want to and doing things you’ve been wanting to do. You’re finally able to do literally anything you want with no strings attached. Freedom has been given and it’s up to you to take full advantage of it!

If you’re cooped up in your house alone every night, you better at least be chatting with someone on your hookup site. If not, you get your butt out there in the real world ans start socializing!

Do these four simple things and I guarantee you’ll eventually find the solution of how to get over someone and before you know it, you’ve gotten laid and you’re over them!


Now go get laid tonight or at least this weekend. It’s Friday and it’s time to party!

Essential “To Do’s” For Online Dating Success


I know I’ve said it before but I’m going to say it again, there are some things that you need to do if you want to be successful at online dating, especially when looking for a horny one night stand. These are probably tips that you’ve heard before, but I figured since I’ve made them staples in my dating strategy then it’s only right for me to share them with you as well.

must do dating tips

Must Do’s To Succeed in Casual Internet Dating

Ditch The Mugshot Profile

If you want to scare away every person that you could possibly hook up with then leave your mugshot looking profile picture up and you’ll never get lucky. Now if you want to attract someone that you can possibly bang any night of the week you want, then I’d suggest you spice up your profile pics and make yourself look somewhat interesting or exciting. This is one of the staples when it comes to creating the perfect online dating profile, so you need to start here!

Express Liking Actionable Activities

You must remember to express a liking in actionable activities. Yes, one of them can be having sex, but keep it real and don’t make it too graphic. One thing I’d suggest is adding an activity that is unisex and something she might be interested in partaking in. Don’t make it too physically strenuous because you don’t want to wear out your date too early.

Dare To Be Unusual

be unusual

You must stick out if you want to make an impact online. The usual polo wearing guy that uses the basic, “live in the moment” tagline isn’t getting any booty. Think further outside the box and be as unusual as possible without being too creepy.

Talk About Money

talk about money

Don’t be afraid to talk about money in your profile or conversations with people you’re chatting with. Now, that doesn’t mean I recommend that you tell someone you want to have a one night stand with that you’re worth a million bucks, but don’t be afraid to talk luxury and nice living. After all, some girls are looking to connect with partners that can give them just that.

Check Mark Only What Applies

If you want to avoid having to go through thousands of profiles that may not be attractive to you, then you must only check mark the characteristics that apply to your liking. Do not select all when setting up your profile. It’s definitely going to cost you more time and money if you do. Now, if you’re able to reallylaser focus on qualities that you’re looking for in someone, then you’ll be a success for sure!

What’s Your Sign?

I know this sounds stupid, but you must share your astrological sign with your potential hook up partners. Doing so alone may get you laid. Women love astrology and you love tapping that ass. Sounds like a win/win to me.

Leave Negativity Out of It

You must not be a negative nelly if you want to be successful at online dating. Meeting an uber horny girl and starting a negative conversation is a surefire way to end your chances of hooking up. No one and I mean no one wants to hang around with a negative person. They suck. So don’t be negative!

Show Location Spirit

Telling everyone you love your location or city is always an uplifter. Most people have pride and they really love their local town or city. You must make it seem like you really love your city or town because this is where you’re going to meet and have sex. Or at least you’ll be doing so very close to your location, if not your bedroom. If you live somewhat close or nearby a dating prospect and want to get laid in a major city, then your best bet is to so some city pride!

Now, you must to all of the above if you want to become a pro at online dating. Oh, and once you do, you’ll be saying…

fuck you internet

Dating Deal Breakers Revealed and How To Avoid Them


It’s hump day and you’re likely ready for the week to be over. You’ve done your homework online searching for a date for the weekend. You connect with someone and then the worst thing that can happen does, you’re turned off when you meet them in person. Yes, it happens. Not as often as one would think given that most are using Uberhorny to find someone to bang (click here to find out why I use it). However, it does happen and far too often. Here are a few dating deal breakers and how to avoid them.

dating deal breakers

Avoid These Dating Deal Breakers If You Want To Get Laid

There are millions of horny women out there looking to have sex. The last thing you want to do is turn them off in a way that they literally call off hooking up with you. Trust me, it can and will happen on occasion if you don’t try to steer clear from the following things listed below.  According to Huffington Post and various researchers, these are the things you should avoid at all costs if you want to date successfully.

Don’t Be Lazy

No one likes to date a lazy person. Being lazy might be one of the biggest turn-offs in this world and in you’re trying to convince someone to bang you, if you’re a lazy AF person there is absolutely no way you’re getting lucky. Don’t way anything to your date that makes you sound unmotivated or lazy either.

Don’t Act Needy At All

Needy people suck. Things they say get old and it can seem like a broken record to some. No one likes to have to help someone or worry about them all the time. That includes having to deal with the whining that goes along with being needy. I’ve literally turned down girls because they are so damn needy it’s insane. Don’t be needy, end of story.

Have A Sense Of Humor

Laughing releases endorphins and it makes you happy. When you’re happy and acting happy, the people around you are most likely doing the same or at a minimum, it’s rubbing off on them. When you’re out on the casual dating scene, having a sense of humor is crucial. If you don’t, then you better figure out how to build on fast. I did and I’ve had so much more success since doing so. Serious sucks, funny is well, fun!

Don’t Keep The Distance

Want to find a casual sex partner that you can smash on the regular? Don’t look too far away! A study done shows that distance was one of the major deal breakers for people dating.

Now, if you’re interested in meeting horny women then I’d suggest you make sure these dating deal breakers don’t apply to you.


First Date Questions For Casual Dating


First Dates can be nerve racking. Even those that are purely hookup related with primary intentions of getting laid and moving on. People get the jitters regardless of the purpose of meeting someone new. First impressions mean a lot these days and if you’re not prepared to ask the right questions you may or may not regret it. There’s no magic formula to the proper way to approach your date.

Whether you’re on an average weekend date hookup on a Saturday night or a last minute meet up on a Tuesday night. The same principles apply. If I had all the answers, so would you. What I can share is a list of some of the most important questions that you should ask your date if you want to get laid.

first date questions

First Date Questions That Lead To Sex

I’ll get right into the questions and why you need to be asking them on each and every date at some point.

What do you do and what drives you? What’s your passion?

This is a good opener to start with because it shows that you’re truly interested in your dates well-being. Asking what their passion is and what makes them happy day to day can often make someone loosen up and feel more comfortable. You want your date to be loose and feel like you’re truly interested in them. This opener works 9 out of 10 times.

What do you like to do in your free time? 

If you don’t lead in with the question I first posted, this would be another close second option for you to go with. It’s also a way to find out if the person you are on this so-called sex date is wild or not. Knowing this can help determine whether or not you’re getting laid. If someone is boring and sleeps all day, they may not be that exciting enough to be worth spending a ton of money to try and bang. I’d suggest not going all out on the top shelf drinks if someone seems boring.

If you won the lottery what’s the first thing you’d buy? 

This question can help lead into the discussion of other topics that your casual sex date might like. I always recommend asking this and I always have my own answer prepared before asking. Here’s a secret for you, I try and cater my answers to those that I’m on a first date with. For example, if you’re out with a girl from Colombia or South America, then I’d recommend saying that you’d take the money and travel somewhere that she can relate to. It will make her horny if you take this approach. Trust me.

If you could have sex anywhere in the country where would you do it? 

Since this is a sex date, you’re going to be meeting horny people in you local area and you want to start spicing up the conversation and getting your sex partner thinking. I always ask this question and I answer it in the sexiest way possible that I have the most potential with actually making happen. I do this to try and give my date something to work towards. If your date thinks they can get you to remember them forever even if it’s a one-night-stand, they will love it. People love a good challenge.

Want to see my place? Have you been to the hotel bar down the street? 

If you want to get laid, you have to set yourself up for success. This is how you do it. Get your date closer to a location where you think you can get laid. It’s really as simple as that! I always ask this question after we’ve both had a few drinks and are very loose. If you want to bang your date then give them the hint that you want to have sex. It’s that easy. They are uber horny and ready to bang. You just need to make it happen.

You can’t ask any first date questions if you can’t find a date! So, if you’re interested in trying out one of the best adult dating sites I’ve every used, try one of the best sex dating sites on the planet and get laid tonight. If I can, so can you. Check the site mentioned on the homepage of my site!

Creating The Perfect Adult Dating Profile


Some people think that creating a profile on the adult dating sites they’ve joined is simply enough. I’m here to tell you that might be true, but going the extra mile can literally do wonders for your success rates and putting some extra effort in creating an adult dating profile can get you laid so much quicker.

Adult Dating Profile Tips

Tips on creating an adult dating profile.

Tips For Creating A Casual Dating Profile

Be Real and Upfront
It’s no surprise that you and others are here to get laid. Be as real as can be without sounding like a creep or sounding somewhat unattractive. Women on adult dating sites want to have sex just as you and they’ve spent some time creating the most attractive profile possible so you should too. Make sure you are real and upfront with what you want in a casual sex partner. Keep it straight to the point.

Take A Great Picture
If you’re not showing the best side of you then your potential partner won’t think that the best even exists. Therefore, I recommend that you spend some time to take a really good profile picture. Doing so could prevent a potential partner from simply passing you up because of a crappy picture.

Taglines Matter
Your tagline says a lot about you. In fact, it says far more than you think. I typically recommend putting up one or two sentences that describe you as a person but leave things open ended enough to want someone to contact you for more info due to their increased level of curiosity. I always put something that’s related to an adventure of some sort.

All Sections Matter
Don’t half ass any portion of a dating profile. If there are 10 sections, then fill out all 10 sections. The reason all the sections exist is to better connect you with someone horny in your local area. I know when I joined Uberhorny, I filled out my profile top to bottom because I knew it was only there to help get laid.

Photos, Photos & More Photos
People on adult dating sites want to see you and they want to see a lot of you. One photo is absolutely not enough. You should be adding a gallery of photos to hopefully attract as many individuals as possible. One photo doesn’t say nearly enough about you and if you think that it does then there’s a good chance you’ve never used Facebook or Instagram. Casual dating sites are no different. Getting your face out there gets you laid faster.

Now, these simple tips on creating a profile for hooking up with super horny women should help you find them or even better, help them find you!

Getting Laid In Major U.S. Cities


Some people think that living in a major city within the United States makes it more difficult to get laid. I completely bock at this nonsense everytime I hear it. In fact, I’ve had more luck getting laid when traveling to major cities within the United States than any other places. Don’t worry, I’ll give you a few quick pointers to help you get your dick wet in some popular cities.

Get Laid in Major U.S. Citites

Tips To Get You Laid in Major Cities Across North America

Use Technology

If you’re not using technology to your advantage then you’re not taking full advantage. What that means is, joining an online dating site or app like the Uberhorny is absolutely essential. It gives you the edge that others may not have by instantly connecting with others looking to get laid in the local area.

Ask The Bellhop

If you’re staying at a hotel in one of the major cities within the U.S. then you need to become friends with the Bellhop and ask him where the local women hang out. Oh, I should probably also mention to not be cheap about it either. Tip the Bellhop when he gives you good advice. He’s your friend and wants you to have a good experience here. Trust me on this. It will put more money in his pocket if you do.

Hang Around High-End Restaurants

Find the local expensive steak house in the city and post up at the bar for a few martini’s or something. Chances are you’ll see a few single ladies hanging out by themselves. These could be horny local business women or girls that are traveling and are just lonely. They want to hang out with someone, which is why they’re spending time at the bar to talk to the bartender. Intercept that and try to get laid by her.

Visit Strip Clubs

Most people are afraid to go to strip clubs. They don’t like having to shell out money to hang out with a girl, especially one that they may not be able to hook up with. Well, believe it or not, some of these strippers that work in clubs in the major cities across the country spend an awful lot of time on their smartphones trying to line up dates for the days they aren’t hanging from a pole. It would be in your best interest to ask a few of the girls if they use any dating apps or if they are members of any sites. This is a slick way to ask if they go out on dates. You may find that one of the girls you ask may be willing to set up a date night with you during your trip. I’d recommend it for sure.

Now, these tips are pretty basic, I know. Trust me, many forget just how simple it is to get laid if you live in a major city in the United States. These simple tips should help you get laid no matter what major city you are spending time in.

How I Prepare For Weekend Date Hookups


Even though I’m somewhat spontaneous, I’m a firm believer of being prepared for things, even the inevitable of having multiple date hookups with someone every weekend since I know the right site to use to find some. Here’s how I prepare for a typical weekend of hooking up.

weekend date hookups

It’s not incredibly difficult to prepare for the weekend, but I take the same approach every Thursday or Friday to prep of the weekend. Here’s my usual approach which boosts my date hookup chances tenfold.

1) Start Chatting on Hump Day

I don’t wait until the last minute to start conversations with women. Instead, I start chatting with women on UberHorny no later than Wednesday. I don’t send out one or two messages either. Instead, I prefer to hedge my bets and contact 5 – 10 people to start a conversation with them. Doing this on hump day versus Friday allows my potential partner to plan for things as well. Doing so gives me time to really get to know a girl through chat and messaging. In the event that I find something I don’t like, I move on to another person and I’m not stuck alone with my D in my hand on a Friday or Saturday night.

2) Eat Healthy During The Week 

In order to prep for some crazy weekend activity, I try my best to stay healthy and focused during the week. That means eating healthy and watching what I ingest. I do this to help stay in shape to bring a good physique to the table come the weekend. It also allows me to not feel bad when I’m getting drunk or eating unhealthy for a few days. Women like men in shape and a good healthy body will get you laid.

3) Groom

I always prepare myself for a weekend of banging by getting a haircut and shaving. Since I tend to date women I meet online, I like to look as best as possible when I do meet them in person. It’s a way for me to show the value they’re getting just by showing up. I know it sounds cheesy and self-centered, but it’s a sales tactic that I learned over the years. Since this is a one night stand or quick hookup, it’s important to put your best foot forward to look and play the part.

4) Stock Up on the Essentials

I always make it a point to stock up on a few things before the weekend. I buy basic semi-healthy snack foods, beer, wine, vodka and an assortment condoms. Doing this midweek allows me to not have to run around last minute or worry about forgetting any of the essentials that could possibly increase my chances of getting laid. I like to drink martini’s and I know some women may not want to have sex without protection so I prepare it all! LOL

5) Tidy Up

Okay, so this is an important one that I must stress. It’s extremely important to clean up your apartment or house to make sure it’s not a disaster zone. No one likes a messy living space. It makes you look bad as a person and somewhat unhygienic even. I always keep my place clean as can be and make sure it’s as clean as possible before I go out. I don’t want to bring a girl back to my place and have her disgusted with it being messy, ruining my chances altogether.

These five steps are really simple and if you can’t handle these basics then I think we have another problem. I promise you that taking these basic steps in hookup preparation will make your dating life a lot easier.

5 Casual Sex Date Tips


Whether your on a date with a girl you’ve just met to have a sex-only relationship or hook up for the first time, I’ve got a few tips for you to follow to more than likely guarantee getting laid. These tips apply for an ex, a friend or anyone really. Just take my advice and you’ll get your dick wet.

casual sex date tips

Tips For Casual Sex Date Success

1) Honesty is best.

If you want to get laid, then I suggest you be 100% completely honest with the girl you’re on a date with. She’s joined a casual sex website to get laid and so have you. Telling her something else is just plain bullshit and she’ll likely see right through you. Honesty in a casual setting is the best. Let loose, be real and she’ll love it.

2) Don’t over do her.

I understand your objective is to get laid. I get that and I certainly respect that too. However, I’d suggest you not over do her because she may get bored. Remember, it’s easy to get laid on sites like Uberhorny, so if you’re meeting up with the same woman from the site, she may get tired of banging you. Very rarely does that happen. But the chance that it might happen, you don’t want to increase that chance. Don’t bang her everyday.

3) Hit then split.

If you’re not trying to take things any further than the casual level, don’t let a girl spend the night. Spending the night could lead to a more serious long term relationship. Keep it to hooking up and sending her home or you leaving her place. I’ve always had better results when banging then leaving.

4) Keep it fun.

It’s all about having fun when you’re dating someone in a more casual manner. Keep the topic of conversation positive and fun at all times. No one likes someone that’s no fun.

5) Don’t ask about the past.

Rule number one in casual dating is to never ask someone about their past. If they want to share it with you, they will, but I wouldn’t suggest trying to get too much information from your date. Remember, you’re trying to bang this horny girl, not marry her. Keep the past in the past. Focus on having sex tonight instead of the sex you’ve had in the past.

Take my advice and I’m certain your chances of getting laid will increase. Fail to do so and you’re definitely shooting yourself in the foot. Now, if you need to find someone for that sex date, go to and join today.

How To Make A Girl Horny


If you’re reading this article, you’re likely aware of my most recommended hookup site, Uberhorny. If not and you just happened to end up here to check out the article, I’d suggest you learn what this website is all about. Now, if you’re interested in learning how to make a girl horny then you’ve come to the right place. I’ve got a few secrets up my sleeve that I’ve tested, tried and can attest that each of these actually work. Here are a few tactics that’ll have her horny faster than not.

how to make a girl horny

5 Tips To Help You Make A Girl Horny

Here are a few tips that are proven to make a girl horny, which in turn should help you get laid. Remember, joining a casual dating site to hookup is just the beginning. If she’s not horny, then you’re not getting laid unless you’re paying for it. Simple as that really! I’ll keep these are straight to the point as possible…

1) Don’t Wait For An Invitation

If you want to make a girl horny and take full advantage of what it might yield, then I suggest you not wait for an invitation to do so. That’s because you’re not going to get one probably. You need to start early and try to turn on a girl well before you get her in bed. That’s a fact really! The objective is to get her horny and wet before you even enter the bedroom. That means start trying to do so as early as possible.

2) Be Somewhat Assertive

Most women like a man in control. When you’re with a girl, be sure to act confident and somewhat assertive. That doesn’t mean act like an order giving douchebag. It means, be confident and make her feel safe and that you’ve got things all in control. That’s what most women are looking for with regards to finding a man.

3) Pour Her Red Wine

If you’re out on a date or hanging out at a bar, I’d suggest you order your date a few glasses of red wine. Choosing a cabernet is a great idea. According to the Huffington Post, red wine drinkers have a higher sex drive than others and I believe it has something to do with the antioxidants in the wine. I’ve personally had more fun on dates with women who drink red wine than any other drink. For some reason, it makes them horny enough to want to bang and that’s all I care about really.

4) Incorporate Playfulness and Teasing

Girls love it when a guy acts playful or teases them. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about if you’ve ever her a girl giggle and say, “hey, stop that!” This is typically not a call for you to stop but a reaction they give because they enjoy the teasing and playfulness. Don’t go too heavy on this though. If you’re constantly making fun, teasing or probing it can certainly backfire. Remember that women are sensitive and there’s a fine line you don’t want to cross because if you do, you definitely won’t get laid.

5) Make Her Feel Like #1 

The truth to the matter is, you’re dating so that YOU can get laid. But you can’t let her know that. Instead, you’ve got to make her feel like she’s number one. What I mean by that is, you’ve got to focus on keeping her happy, comfortable and satisfied. If you’re out with a girl, make sure you’re focusing on her happiness and what she wants versus yourself. If you’re at her house or yours, make sure you ask what she wants and likes in all aspects of life. That goes for in the bedroom too.

Well, that’s my list and each tip works pretty well if you ask me. I’ve gotten laid on a number of occassions just from applying these tips. Most can even be applied almost effortlessly too. If your plan is to meet a horny girl on a dating website to hookup  then you better know how to make her horny enough to seal the deal.

How To Get Laid Tonight


Okay, so there’s a good chance you’ve had those feelings of really wanting to just hook up but you don’t know how to get laid, based on your current Rolodex (LOL no I’m not old). I completely understand and I’ve been there on a number of occasions. You spend time texting a few people, cross your fingers and hope that you get a text back at a minimum. That’s just the surface too. You’ve probably had pretty bad luck taking that approach. I want you to forget all that noise because I’m going to tell you exactly how to get laid tonight.

Simple Steps on How To Get Laid Tonight

How To Get Laid

There’s a simple 9 step approach that I generally recommend anyone trying to have sex with someone new take. It’s not as complex as it sounds. In fact, it’s quite simple. I’ve removed the guessing. All you have to do is follow these steps.

Step 1. Join a dating site. (Second to none, Uberhorny is definitely the recommended site)

The first step is for you to get off your butt and join a hookup dating website. If you’re not a member of any dating sites, I have to suggest that you join the one recommended above. If you haven’t joined yet, I’d suggest you take a few minutes to obtain an Uberhorny login right now. Open another window and do it before you continue. It’s the best thing you can do. Once you’ve completed that quick task, move on to step two.

Step 2. Chat with someone within the same zip code.

Once you’ve joined the casual dating sitie of your choice, you now need to start connecting with other users. Start by chatting with individuals within the same zip code as you. If you don’t know how to find people in the local area, I’d suggest you use the advanced search option. It’s likely going to have that option for you to take.  Once you find out how to do that, begin connecting with people in your area and chatting with them via the messaging system or the live chat option. Ask them if she’s want to meet up tonight.

Step 3. Meet up with her.

Once you’ve established that she’s willing and able to meet with you, the next step is to meet up with her. Find a good local place for a first date meet up and plan to meet up with her. Dress nice but keep it casual. Don’t look like you’re trying to hard.

Step 4. Make her feel extremely attractive.

Now that you’re with your potential sex partner, you’ve got to find a few ways to make her feel attractive. Be careful, there’s a happy medium here and you need to make sure you’re not smothering her with comments. Just act confident, nice and be sure to compliment her. Tell her how sexy she looks and how incredibly hot she looks. Don’t focus on her boobs, but her eyes and face instead.

Step 5. Connect with her.

Your job is relatively simple. You’ve got to find a way to connect with her. Whether that be something you both enjoy or perhaps beliefs you share. Whatever it may be, you’ve got to try and make it happen. This is key to getting laid in this situation!

Step 6. Ask for a kiss.

If you feel like things are going pretty god with regards to the first date, you should ask her for a kiss. If she says yes, you’ve just increased your chances of getting laid even more. She’s physical and wants to touch you as do you. Another box checked!

Step 7. Leave together. 

Don’t let her leave before you and definitely don’t leave before your date. You’ve got a better chance at getting laid if you both leave together. I’ve done this on a number of occasions and it’s worked more when I’ve left with my date than not. It’s important because you’re setting the path for the rest of your night in doing so.

Step 8. Go home or to a hotel.

Now, this is where it really gets good. You’ve got to take one of two approaches here. You need to try and get her to either your place or a local hotel. Depending on the location, it may make more sense to try and get her to a hotel bar or room versus your house. Proximity is really a huge factor here. Nevertheless, it’s extremely important to do your homework before and know your surroundings. I’ve had luck taking women to both my house and a hotel.

Step 9. Bang her.

Well, you’re almost home, now that you’ve got her in the right place and it’s the right time, you’ve just got to bang her. Simple as that. Try to get her to fool around with you. Rub her leg, touch her booty and hips, see how she responds. If she seems a bit turned on then I’d say it’s best to try and go for it and bang her! Lastly, you should always remember that it’s important to protect yourself as well as your partner. Always use protection.

Now that you know the step-by-step approach that can get you laid, I’d suggest you log into and start connecting with horny locals looking to bang tonight.