How To Keep Yourself Awake After Partying All Night


I’ve had plenty of all-nighters in my day. The partying can be super fun but staying up all night long can be dreadful the following day. Keeping yourself awake after going hard for 24 hours is next to impossible. That is if you don’t put forth the effort to do so. If you’re in college, then I’m sure you’re planning on meeting some of the girls on campus to get drunk all night long. I dig it and I’m with you but you better know how to keep yourself awake the following day. You wanna play you gotta pay. Here’s are some tips for keeping yourself awake after a hard night of boozing and banging.

party all night

Tips To Help Stay Awake After Partying All Night: Do Cold Showers Help?

First off, I am not a doctor so this advice shouldn’t be taken as medical advice. It’s best to go to bed versus partying until the sun rises. Now that I got that out of the way, here are some tips for you.

Proper Mindset

The first thing you need to do is convince yourself that this is, in fact, doable. Staying awake is relatively easy so long as you convince yourself that you can do it. If not, you might be setting yourself up for failure. Don’t let that happen.

Get Blood Moving

You’ll want to do whatever you can to get the blood moving in your system. That means going for a jog or walk. Don’t do anything that is too strenuous unless you think you can handle it. After all, you’re probably tired from smashing that college booty all night long. You can get a light workout in at the gym but nothing crazy Hulkamania.

Cold Showers

The only thing that’s better than cold pizza after partying all night is a cold shower. The ice cold water can provide a quick boost in energy for those daring enough to partake in it.

Eat A Good Meal

You definitely need solid food in your system if you want to survive the day. Get rid of all that shitty junk food and go for some natural foods such as fruits, veggies, and protein. I recommend crushing a rib eye steak with some crunchy veggies and a salad. That meal always gives me super human powers (so I think like to think). Eating healthy is something that you should be doing anyway if you’re dating.

Stay Busy

The second that you begin to remain in the same spot or get bored, then you’re in for some hard times the rest of the day. Staying busy helps keep your mind off the fact that you’re so tired.

H20 aka Water

Put down the Pabst Blue Ribbon or any alcohol for that matter and pick up a bottle of water. Actually, crush 5 bottles of water. This will help reduce the fatigue levels.

These may help you get through the day but I’d suggest not making too much of a habit out of it. This type of all night partying isn’t healthy for you. If you want to hook up with lots of girls you need to stay healthy. Simple as that bro!

Random Dating Spots That Might Get You Lucky


I’m one of those guys that really enjoys meeting girls online. You know that by now if you’ve checked out my homepage. When I meet girls for the first time online, I always ask them if they’d like to go out on a date. Yes, I’m talking about a legit date! I typically don’t choose the basic bar or hotel these days. Instead, I go for unique dating spots that I think might make me stand out from the rest of the crowd. Here’s a list of random dating spots that just might help you get lucky.

Dating Spots That Will Get You Laid

Dating Spots (I Use) That Will Help You Get Lucky

These dating spots are not listed in any order. Instead, I’ve got them listed randomly because honestly, they all seem to work at one point or another.

Dancing With The Stars

Just kidding, you’re not going dancing with the stars but I do recommend going on dancing lessons. I’ve had plenty of success taking a casual date to dancing lessons and it’s gotten me laid before. The good news is that you can find Groupon and Living Social deals for this type of thing easy.

Drive-In Movie

I love taking local college girls to drive in movies because it almost always leads to me at least getting a handjob or blowjob. You’ve gotta put yourself in the right situation if you want to hookup. Being under the covers in the dark seems like a good start to me!

Art Gallery

Art galleries tend to turn women on. It gets them thinking very open minded and most of the time they serve wine in the galleries. If a local gallery is having a showing then I suggest you take your date there.

Comedy Show

Comedians break the ice and make things more fun. One thing that I suggest is not sitting in the front of the show. You don’t want to be pressured into speaking or making comments. Even worse, you don’t want to have to be the person that gets picked on at the show. Do your best to avoid all that noise!

Wine Vineyard Tastings

I love this option because women tend to get really turned on when they drink wine. Not to mention, wine has a lot of antioxidants that are very good for you. I strongly suggest that you try to take a girl to a vineyard for a tour and tasting if you live close by one.

These are all unique dating spots that I personally have had success with! It should come as no surprise that I know how to score uber horny women any day of the week. Take my advice or find yourself left in the dust.

Many Signs A Girl Might Be Into You


Have you been spending time talking to ladies on the Internet? Perhaps you’re meeting up with girls at local hot spots to connect with them. Many guys struggle with trying to figure out if a girl likes them or not. It’s much easier than you think and there are quite a few signs that will give you an indication that she is attracted to you. Some signs are involuntary and some are purposeful. Here is a list of the most obvious signs that a girl is into you.

Signs She Is Into You

Simple Signs She Might Be Into You

Here are some of the most basic signs that you might want to be on the lookout for and why. There are plenty of things that you should be on the lookout for and I’m sure that if you keep your eyes open, you will be able to pick up some of the signs that I’m going to share with you today.

Looks You in the Eye: She makes a point to look you in the eye and smile. Also, she will have an involuntary reaction of enlarged pupils which is a common and scientific sign of attraction.

Plays with or Fixes Her Hair: Women who are attracted to you, even strangers, will look at you and start either twirling their hair or fixing it to make sure she looks her best when she gets your attention.

Her Face Lights Up: This can often be an involuntary reaction. Every time she sees you, her face lifts and she has sort of a glow. Her entire face smiles at you. When you see it, you’ll know what I mean.

She Moves in Closer: She looks for any reason to move closer to you. If a girl is attracted to you, she feels the need to be near you and exhibits signs of wanting you to become aroused by her closeness.

Eagerness to Talk: She shows a clear excitement at the notion of talking to you and she will often initiate a conversation or make an effort to expand on something you are talking about.

She Bites Her Lip: This one is one of the most obvious and shows that she is about ready to jump your bones. If you make eye contact and she bites her bottom lip, you are as good as in.

She Gets the Jimmy Legs: This is another involuntary reaction. If she sees you or you get near her and she begins crossing and uncrossing her legs, she is becoming aroused by your presence.

She Laughs at Your Jokes: She is very receptive to your sense of humor and she laughs at almost everything you say. This shows that she’s endeared by you and wants to make you feel good.

She Touches You: This is an advanced sign of attraction. If a girl becomes overwhelmingly attracted to you, she will start looking for excuses to touch your arm or leg or even your face if she’s really turned on.

She Stares at Your Junk: This is another obvious sign of attraction. You might be surprised at the number of girls who can’t help but stare at your junk. They sometimes even begin with eye contact and their eyes slowly move down to your junk.

Her Friends Treat You Like a Star: If a girl is attracted to you, she will talk about you a lot with her friends. This will cause them to treat you like they know you and they have heard a lot about you from her.

Well, now that you’ve been exposed to a number of things to be on the lookout for, you can easily keep your eyes and ears open for things. In the meantime, you can connect with local horny women using an online dating website or two.

Here’s How To Tell If A Girl Is Cheating On You…


One of the most hurtful and humiliating things a guy or girl can endure in a relationship is finding out that their significant other is cheating on them. I have got to be honest, I love having affairs with women I meet online. Yes, I get it, this is a touchy subject because there is a fine line between being jealous and trying to find out if you’re being cheated on. The signs are a bit different with women than they are with men, so I am going to address some different ways to tell if a girl is being unfaithful. Don’t make assumptions. For the sake of trust; it’s best not to let it enter your mind unless one of these signs becomes obvious and hard to ignore.

Major Signs She Is Cheating On You

Different Ways You Can Tell If A Girl Is Cheating On You

She starts dressing sexier. If she starts wearing more revealing outfits without explanation, she may be dressing to impress someone else. There’s nothing wrong with a girl wanting to be a little sexier, but if it comes out of nowhere and she is defensive when you bring it up, she’s probably up to no good.

She loses interest in advancing the relationship. This one is tricky because she may just have problems with you and may not be cheating at all. If you are confident in the way you treat her and you sense that she is losing interest, ask her about it and watch to see if she becomes defensive or nervous. You’ve gotta keep her interested and the best way to do that is to dress nice and play the part.

Her interest in sex drops dramatically. This one is obvious, but it could also mean that she is not happy with you. If she loses interest in having sex without explanation, you deserve to know why. If it’s you, make her tell you. If she’s cheating, she will likely reveal it in her reaction.

She suddenly becomes a lot busier than usual. If you notice that she suddenly doesn’t have as much time for you, she might be making time for someone else. If she does become busier than usual, she should tell you what’s going on in her life that made her busier without you having to ask her.

She starts insisting on her own space more. Every person in every relationship needs some space from time to time, but you should be wary if she wants it suddenly without giving a reason. This is a sign of a problem either way, but she could be making space for another man in her life.

She gets defensive when you ask questions. If she starts getting overly defensive over the questions related to you and your relationship, she might have something to hide. As long as you approach your concerns without sounding like you’re accusing her of something, she should respect you enough to answer.

Nothing you do is right. If a girl is getting affection from another man, she might start to get annoyed by everything you do and be overly critical. Cheating is exciting. Being intimate with another guy behind your back is a new experience and can make you seem less exciting or desirable in comparison.

I’ll be honest, there are actually plenty of other ways that you can tell if a girl is cheating on your or not. This is just a rundown of those which I remembered off the top of my head. The good news is that there are plenty of horny girls for you to meet online these days.

Gym Openers To Help You Connect With Women


Working out at the gym is one of my best-kept secrets. In fact, there’s so much that this does for me and my love life. While I typically don’t meet someone that wants a long term relationship, I do meet people that simply like to chat. Yes, the chatting often leads to a date and even further, sometimes sex. If you’re not going to the gym then you are doing your body and mind an injustice. Anyway, here are some of what I refer to as “gym openers” that I use to break the ice with girls I meet at the gym.

gym openers and ice breakers

Gym Openers And Ice Breakers That Work

Here are some of the most basic gym openers that you can give a shot if you’re at the gym and spot a hottie. I’m not saying they all work great, but they do typically work quite well. Try each of these out with different girls that you encounter during your workouts. Don’t use them all in one day either.

“Do you take any pre workouts?” Ask them something about a pre-workout drink. Some girls use them and others don’t. The ones that do use them love talking about them.

“What’s the best exercise for toning [insert body part]?” Ask the girls what they think is the best body part and I think they will love hearing that question from you. Reason being, it’s almost as if you’re putting them at a higher status and they love feeling “more adequate” than the typical man.

“Can you show me how this works?” Do not be afraid to ask one of the girls if they can show you how a machine works. If you’ve seen them on it just ask them for help. That’s a great way to connect with some girl and she her sweat it out too.

All in all, I’ve had a ton of success meeting girls at the gym that like to have sex randomly with men. I connect with them online once I’m at the gym and things just work out from there on out! Don’t be afraid to talk to girls at the gym, just don’t tell them they are super hot or anything of that nature. Taking that approach isn’t going to get you anywhere at all!

How To Talk To Ladies Online (That You Want To Bang)


I have had so much success with online dating, and it all starts with chatting with her first and building up to that first date. It doesn’t need to be an intimidating task, just be yourself and have fun with her. Follow these simple tips and you’ll be past the “online” part of dating and taking her out on a real date and seeing where things go. Keep in mind that I’ve successfully hooked up with over 50+ ladies using this website and it’s a combination of my perseverance as well as my charm that makes it easy to meet girls for sex. Without wasting any precious time, let me get right into things here…

How To Talk To Ladies Online

Here’s How To Talk To Ladies On The Web That You Want To Smash

Make no mistake about it, I’ve smashed more girls than Paul D and The Situation combined. I get mine and I’m sure you’ll appreciate the fact that I’m sharing my knowledge. Take a peek below for the real deal Holyfield when it comes to chatting it up with the ladies online.

The first thing to remember is that it is OK to push the envelope. If you are boring and dull, she won’t remember you. She is probably talking to many guys – men far outnumber women online, so they can choose to be selective and still get a lot of messages – so you need to make yourself memorable. Keep it light-hearted, but it’s OK to be playful and tease her a bit. Keep it all in good taste, of course. If you are saying something that may be taken the wrong way, go ahead and use an emoticon at the end and let her know that you’re just joking around.

If you build up the playful, witty, joking side of you, you will find out if she has the same kind of personality and enjoys the flirtatious back and forth banter. Also, by being light-hearted with everything, if you do perhaps mistakenly say something that is a little out of bounds for her, she’ll be more likely to just tell you to ease up as opposed to just ending the conversation entirely.

Another thing to remember is to not spend too much time talking about yourself, giving her your whole life story. She doesn’t care to hear about these things right now, other than the basic details, and will just confuse them with other guys she is talking to. Save that kind of stuff for when you meet in person when you know she really does have an interest in getting to know you. Under no circumstances are you allowed to tell her how big your package is or how many girls you’ve smashed over the course of many years. That’s the stupidest idea I’ve ever heard in my entire life.

Lastly, don’t hesitate to ask her out on a date. I don’t mean within the first hour or first day talking to her, but if after a few days of continuous back and forth you haven’t asked her out, she’s going to wonder if you have the balls to ever do it. Develop a good rapport with her, see that she’s interested in the conversation, and ask if she’d like to take it to the next level and meet in person. Assuming she says yes to meeting in person, I want you to take things to the next level and get ready for some hookup fun. By that, I mean that you’ve gotta be ready to have sex on your date. After all, these ladies want dick pretty badly, they just aren’t going to come out and say it.

Why Workouts Are Great For Your Sex Life


Hey guys, Mike Long here again for another juicy update for you all. Today I’m here to talk to you about workouts and everything that they can do for your sex life. Some people are lazy as fuck. They put zero effort into working out. I’m not sure if it’s because they’re afraid of being labeled the fat slob at the gym, or they are just plain lazy.

Whatever the reason, I’m here to say that working out can literally do incredible things for your sex life. How do I know? Well, because I’ve been in bad shape before and I was miserable during that period of time. I ended up making a decision to change my lifestyle and it literally changed my life. I know, my blog is about hooking up with horny girls for free, not workouts. I get that, but just hear me out for the next few minutes. This might change your life completely.

workouts improve sex life

Five Reasons Why Workouts Improve Your Sex Life

I’ll do my best to keep this intimate relevant and not get into my whole organic douchebag rants (which I occasionally do). For now, here’s what you need to understand about hitting the gym in order to boost up your banging.

Look Better

People that workout and eat healthy actually look better than most of the non-active people in this world. Unless you’re some sort of genetic freak that is. Looking better makes you more attractive and being more attractive gets you laid more. Simple as that.

More Stamina

If you’re hitting those new age treadmills without the automatic belts, then you can really kick ass with some sprints and HIITs (high-intensity interval training). Doing these types of workouts can really help build your stamina. Being able to hold your own for hours in the bedroom is always a good thing.

Meet More Women

Sometimes I like to go to the gym and hit those group fitness classes or even Orange Theory. That’s one of the many perks of working out at a gym. You get to go to classes and mingle with people. Guess what, many of the individuals taking the classes are college girls. Some hot milfs take them as well. I alway hang in the back during the class just in case I bust ass, LOL just kidding. But seriously, I stay in the back so I can watch the girls shake their booty.

Improved Circulation

Erections are all about blood flow and poor blood flow can literally kill an intimate moment. If you have erection problems then you’ll want to workout to help improve your circulation somewhat. Also, it wouldn’t hurt to take some vitamins and fish oils to assist with this as well.

Dick Looks Bigger

Getting a skinny waist and flat stomach can make your dick look much bigger. Shave down that 1980s bush and you’ll look like you have a huge piece in your pants. No, I don’t want to see your dick. Do not send me any dick pics! The girls you’re flirting with online might want some, though. Just ask before sending anything of that nature.

Well, those are a few of the many ways that workouts can help improve your sex life. Do what you can to get your ass in the gym as much as possible. There’s nothing more important than your health.

Last but not least, it wouldn’t be right if I didn’t leave you with this amazing video by Don. Watch it!

Important Date Night Gear That Every Man Needs


If you want to impress that horny girl that you’ve recently connected with on the Internet, then you need to acquire a few things. Having gone on thousands of dates, I know which date night gear is most important and which you can completely avoid. Go a few extra miles, pick up some of the stuff shown below and I promise that your date will be that much smoother. Heck, you might even get laid if you do!

date night gear

Essential Date Night Gear For Successful Hookups

Here’s a quick rundown of everything that I recommend getting to set yourself up for dating success.

Chanel Bleu Cologne

This cologne is a bit pricey but it’s one of the best that exist out there. I’ve had more women tell me I smell amazing while wearing this over any other cologne that I’ve tried. Just get it and that me later.

Fresh White Tees

You want to get clean and fresh white tees for your date night. Pit stains and old ass white undershirts make dudes look like fucking slobs. Pick up some fresh white tees and some clean underwear, please!

Insteon Wall Switch Dimmer For Smartphone

Being able to dim the lights from your smartphone makes you look like a fucking boss. Nothing like looking suave as fuck by changing the mood and setting the light to a more romantic and sexual setting.

Wine Decanter

Red wine is a great choice when having a hot date over for the evening. I’ve been using a decanter to let my wine breathe for months and it’s really helped improve my dating experience. I no longer look like I half ass everything! Not to mention, it really does make the wine taste better.

1,000+ Thread Count Sheets

I’m all about splurging on expensive sheets. In fact, I only sleep with 1,000+ Egyptian cotton thread count sheets. It’s pretty easy to get high thread count sheets relatively cheap. All you need to do is go to, Marshalls, Bed Bath and Beyond or some other home goods and you’ll be able to find them for sure.

Salvatore Ferragamo Shoes

I like to wear nice shoes on a date because they help me look well put together. Having said that, I go for Salvatore Ferragamo shoes but you can get any kind so long as they look nice.

These are just some of the essentials that I recommend purchasing for a casual sex date night. You don’t have to get all of this stuff, but I’d try and get a few of the items if possible. They definitely do help with online dating success.

Beware Of Fake Selfies On Mainstream Social Media


I’m here to talk about an important issue that most people don’t cover. That’s right, I’m referring to fake selfies! Now, when you’re using a horny hookup site like Uberhorny, then you’re bound to never run into this issue. That’s because the support team has a verification process to make sure you are who you say that you are. That said, you still need to pay close attention to this and understand exactly what I’m about to tell you with regards to fake selfies.

fake selfies

Fake Selfies Flood Mainstream Media

There are tons of fake selfies that are literally flooding mainstream media sites like Snapchat, Instagram and even mainstream dating sites such as Plenty of Fish. I’m going to go out on a limb and tell you that you need to be extra careful with this and when communicating to people that are not on Uberhorny. Here’s one of the main reasons why…

It’s called SkinneePix and it’s an iTunes and google play app! This app is being used by people on mainstream dating sites and other social media networks and it’s complete bullshit.

People are posting photos of themselves and they are using the app to make themselves literally look 15lbs lighter than usual. Now I don’t know about you but if I met someone that was much heavier than they looked in their pic, I’d be pretty pissed off about it.

That being said, it’s not uncommon for people to use these photo-altering apps to make themselves look younger and thinner than they really are.

The good news is that the folks at Uberhorny verify photos so you won’t have to deal with this issue. This is one of the main reasons why I suggest you to a video chat with some hot girl before meeting her in person. You can see what she really looks like today versus ten years ago. Thank me later my friends!

Oh, before I forget, you should probably make a list of all the UH members that you want to reach out to in your local area. Figure out what it is that they do on a daily basis and ask them to chat live with you. Anyone that declines, I would send them to customer support immediately and let them know that they declined. Most people will not decline to chat with you. After all, that’s the primary objective of all this. You want to meet someone to communicate with and eventually fuck. Horny girls are waiting for your dick, so don’t let them down!

Tips For Meeting And Hooking Up With Girls In College


Most guys in college are scared shitless of girls. They don’t know hot to hook up with girls in college. They don’t think that they have what it takes to get some of these college students, but they’re completely mistaken. College girls might be the easiest girls to hook up with and this time period in your life is when you want to try and nail as many as you can. I’m going to give you some tips for banging college girls and becoming the stud that you’ve always wanted to be. Almost every girl likes to fuck, you just need to get them to want to fuck you!

hot girls in college

How To Meet And Hook Up With Horny Girls In College

This is an abridged version of this topic. I’d rather you’d spend the majority of your presence time using the mobile Uberhorny app to connect with college babes, versus reading for an hour. Here are some of the most important things you need to know when it comes to hooking up with college girls.

Know What They Want

If you want to make strides here, you need to know and understand what college girls want in life. Girls in college don’t care about things they did in highschool. Get that young mentality out of your head fast if you’re still thinking like a senior in high school. Know what they want and act like your in charge. That’s right, what I mean by that is you’ve got to take the initiative to lead the way if you wanna get laid.

Make Her Recognize You

If you want to fuck girls in college then you need to be recognized. Whether that means standing out in class or on a dating website, you’ve got to stand out, period. Don’t be afraid to hang out in the college dorms and make friends with some of the local students living on campus. You can do this on the quad, at the school gym, lounge areas and other spots on campus. Don’t be a douchebag, just play it cool and make some friends (guys and girls). This will help get her to recognize you more. The guy sitting in the corner alone, acting anti-social does not get recognized for anything good. Trust me on that!

Be A Leader

Girls like guys that are leaders. No one in college likes a follower. Trust me, it gets their panties nice and wet when you take action and act like a leader. That’s how I scored all those college sluts that I fucked. They were willing to literally do anything to fuck me because I took the initiative when it came to almost everything.

Have Respect

What I mean by that is, you’ve got to have respect for yourself and the girl you’re trying to fuck. Girls like guys that workout hard, that treat their bodies good and that care about their minds as well. It should go without saying that you must respect her as well.

Dress Current

If your fashion is from high school then you need to change things up. It’s not going to get you laid if you’re wearing that high school baseball tee shirt. I can guarantee that girls will make fun of your for wearing that type of attire once you’re in college. It’s not cool at all. Stick with current fashion trends.

Keep It Clean

You need to keep your dorm room and apartment clean. No girls like messy rooms, gross gym attire, old take out containers and all that shit. Keep your living quarters clean if you want to impress a girl enough to want to fuck you in your dorm or apartment. No one likes a slob.

Give No Fucks

Zero fucks given is the motto that you must live by in college. Girls like it when guys don’t give a shit about things. They also like it when a guy doesn’t have any shame. Show up for a good time, rock out, fuck then bounce. That’s what it’s all about!

Good luck getting girls in college to want to fuck you. Always remember that it’s easier if you meet them on a sex site to kick things off!