If you are not preparing for a spring fling, then you’re missing out. I don’t know how else to put it, really. I love this time of the year as it helps me have more flings and hookups than any other time of the year.
No lie.
I don’t know why, but it does. Perhaps it’s the turning of the weather that gets people fired up enough to want to take action. Maybe it’s the fact that so many people simply don’t get laid enough during the winter months. I haven’t got a clue what it is but one thing I know for sure is that I’ll be having more spring flings than you can even imagine.
How will I do that you ask? Well, here are the specific steps I take to set up all the flings that I end up having throughout the spring. No beating around the bush here. No bull. Just effective hookups and nothing more. Here’s how it all happens.
Three Steps To Setting Up A Spring Fling
The first thing you want to do is get online. If you’re not using a dating or casual hookup network to accomplish this task, then you’re out of luck from day one. My advice is to get set up and using a network like this one here or even using the one that you prefer most. It honestly doesn’t matter to me what you use, so long as you use one.
Now, once you’ve joined a fling site, it’s time to set yourself up for success. The best way to do that is by marketing the best version of yourself. You can do that by simply completing your dating profile and making it stand out from the rest of the wolves. What I suggest doing is adding a sexy or enticing photo, incorporating a confident tagline and some personal information.
The next thing you want to do is message people. Don’t just message anyone though. You’ll need to message the right people at the right time. If you’re not doing that, then you’re simply wasting your time and time is money.
Here’s what I suggest doing, if you’re using Uberhorny then you won’t have any problem with this. Do a search that helps connect you with people who a local. Once you find local people that look as though they may be potential sex partners, then message them and hit them with a nice intro that speaks volume.
Of course, it all boils down to the meet up which is the most important aspect of it all. Meet in a neutral location close to one of the fanciest hotels by and order some drinks. Get your partner all liquored up and have a blast. Have some drinks, then some laughs, and then get close to one another.
Soon enough, you’ll be hooking up with your spring fling and doing so on the regular if you do it right! That’s all that it takes, really.
That’s all it takes really and this tactic will likely work for you for the next few months give or take. Once it gets nicer out people will be hitting local bars and just connecting via local connections, but for now, use this to find flings! Let me know how you make out!
Hey, when all else fails, just call up Jenna Shea and take her out for a nice dinner. Toss her a stack of cash and you’ll be on your way to pound town before you know it!